Step #1
Select a Template
Step #2
Create an App
Step #3
Publish & Monetize

Create an Android App for FREE!

Now AppsGeyser is turning app development into something that literally anyone can do" - The Next Web

AppsGeyser Android App Builder Free Templates

AppsGeyser is one of the largest and best known Android app builder. AppsGeyser has created a large range of Android app templates for app makers to use to create an app. AppsGeyser Android app builder has over 50 templates for app makers to use and customize.

Why did AppsGeyser decide to create Android app templates?

AppsGeyser, the online Android app builder tool,is a business born from an idea to help the beginner Android app maker, with little technical skills and limited budget,to create an app. The lack of free templates on the market discouraged a person with little or no technical ability from ever having a chance of getting their business mobile. At the beginning the Android app maker templates were designed to help small businesses create an app for marketing purposes, and then the idea came to help people become Appreneurs and build their own app empires.

What is an Android app builder template?

An Android app builder template is a file created by AppsGeyser and edited via an online dashboard by the app maker. The app maker inputs their content, for example images, text or website URL and the rest of the coding is preloaded and generated by the template. The app maker clicks the submit button and the app is generated and is free for them to use in any Android market.

What are the free Android app builder template styles offered by AppsGeyser?

There are over 40 Android app builder template styles,including the website URL converter template, a huge range of gaming templates and more sophisticated templates such aszip file templates that enable the app maker to create files using their own code available offline.

How many apps have been created to date using an AppsGeyser Android app builder free Android app template?

In the three years since the launch of AppsGeyser, we have seen over 1,300,000 apps created and 950 MILLION downloads of apps that have been created using an AppsGeyser Android app builder template.

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